Here you can find information about the massage sessions,
the benefits and prices.
You can also find links to book a session or how to contact me.
Hope to see you soon.
Combines oils or lotions with an array of strokes which improves circulation, eases muscular strain, relieves pain, decreases stress and anxiety, increases flexibility, and enhances mental clarity. Other health benefits: improves blood flow, stimulates peripheral nerves, relaxes muscles, and improves range of motion.
Uses various techniques (including Lymphatic Drainage) specially developed for the expecting mother to help release pain and discomfort experienced throughout pregnancy. Pregnancy is a time when a woman's body endures tremendous stress due to dramatic physical and emotional changes. The benefits are profound, including emotional support, relief of joint pain due to extra weight and postural imbalance, and improved breathing and relaxation.
Reflexology Massage uses precise hand and finger techniques and applying pressure to areas on the feet it reduces stress on the body's organs, glands, and other body parts and systems. We have over 7,000 nerves ending in our feet! All Body System's and Nerves are stimulated by using this relaxing pressure point treatment on our feet. Our feet are a map of our body. Different areas of our feet correspond to different parts of our body. It improves circulation, induces relaxation and removes blockages and toxins to enable overall balance of the body. This activates natural healing to heal the body & maintain wellbeing. It is amazing how our feet can tell us so much about what is going on inside our bodies. More than just a foot rub!
Lymphatic Massage is like a regular massage but tends to involve lighter pressure and more stretching of the skin. It's a very gentle procedure and should not be painful. A lymphatic massage has a simple objective: to help drain lymph fluid to help support the lymph system in proper functioning. The biggest and perhaps most immediate and noticeable benefit is a reduction in swelling and pain. A lymphatic massage or body rub comes with many additional Benefits:
- Helps reduce water retention.
- Helps reduce and remove toxins from the body.
- Can help with weight loss.
- Can help relieve fibromyalgia and arthritis pain.
- Often recommended for some post-surgical procedures.
Please note this massage is only available with LIGHT pressure.
This treatment is enhanced tremendously with done in conjunction with the add-on 'Dry Brushing' due to its ability to promote the movement of interstitial fluids out of the body.
To add dry brushing to your LIGHT massage session for an additional $20.00 to your session price, please indicate so within the options.
Ionic Foot Detox Machine is a high-tech water detoxification system that facilitates the body's ability to heal itself. The Ionic Cleanse Detox Machine is a water foot bath that utilizes steel electrodes, which cleans, balances, and enhances bioenergy, a vital force present in the body's fluids.
The action of the machine is to help your body with:
- Less fluid retention.
- Reduction of inflammation
- Improved Memory.
- Improved Bladder Control.
- A more balanced pH.
- A stronger immune system.
- Significant pain relief, inclusive of, but not limited to arthritis, gout, and headaches.
Involves mild suction, of specifically designed cups, to gently pull the muscle tissue upward to encourage release as well as improve the circulation of blood and lymph. This therapy is used to relieve pain in the back, neck and sore muscles; as well as relieve the body of fatigue, anxiety and migraines, cold, cough and flu, allergies and asthma, and even cellulite. This method helps reduce inflammation, Increases blood flow to muscles and surrounding tissue, relieves respiratory illness, breaks up any superficial adhesion in the tissue contributing to muscle tension and pain, and detoxifies the circulatory system.
Uses heated stones placed at specific sites on your body to deepen relaxation and promote circulation in your muscles, release tension and stress. The overall experience is very relaxing, nurturing, and rejuvenating.
Involves an exfoliation method using a body brush to gently massage your skin. This method helps with radiance, removing dead skin, and increasing the effectiveness of your moisturizer. This supports the immune system, unclogs pores, stimulates lymphatic system, and improves circulation.
Helps to soften the skin and relieves pain and stress. Supports relaxation, muscle release, enhances blood flow, helps with insomnia and anxiety, and reduces inflammation.
Helps to soften the skin and smooth away any calluses on your feet. Calluses can arise from wearing high heels, being on your feet for long periods of time, daily athletic activities, and more. This relieves muscle tension, soothes tired muscles, reduces calluses, boosts blood flow, and improves circulation.
30 minutes: $39
60 minutes: $75
90 minutes: $110
120 minutes: $140
Any* add-ons are $20 each.
*Vibrant Cupping Therapy is $25.
60 minutes: $60
90 minutes: $95
120 minutes: $125
Any* add-ons are $20 each.
*Vibrant Cupping Therapy is $25.
60 minutes: $90
90 minutes: $120
Any* add-ons are $20 each.
*Vibrant Cupping Therapy is $25.
60 minutes: $95
90 minutes: $130
120 minutes: $160
Any* add-ons are $20 each.
*Vibrant Cupping Therapy is $25.
30 minutes: $35
Wiesbaden Sports & Fitness Center
Oasis Spa Treatment Center
Clay Kaserne, Bldg. 1631
For any questions, concerns or cancellations regarding booked appointments we can be reached at:
Phone Number: 01525 139 9650
Whats App: 01525 139 9650